Why Turkish interpreters and translators need cats

Turkish interpreters and translators need cats. Why? The interpreting and translation profession demands constant focus, mental energy, and emotional control to deliver the best quality. While delivering Turkish interpreting and translation services, Turkish interpreters and translators follow the news about the political uncertainty and instability unfolding in Turkey. Certified Turkish interpreters and translators with court, government, and legal expertise encounter heavy topics throughout their work these days. The more conflict that interpreters and translators encounter, the greater their need for relief from human worry. The new documentary Kedi brings a welcome relief from the demanding requirements of the interpreting and translation profession.

Why Turkish interpreters and translators need cats

Turkish interpreters and translators need cats to relax after stressful assignments. Simultaneous interpreting in booths taxes mental energy. Consecutive interpreting demands focus to deliver precision and accuracy. Phone interpreting and translation require long hours sitting at the computer with dictionaries and glossaries. Anyone following the news can see the need to lower stress.

Turkish simultaneous interpreting

As Turkey’s President Erdogan pushes for broader political power, Turkish interpreters deliver simultaneous interpreting services between German, Turkish, and English for diplomats and government officials. Germany has the largest Turkish population outside of Turkey, and up to 1.5 million Turks in Germany may be eligible to vote on the powers of Erdogan. As Turkey’s upcoming referendum escalates conflict in Germany, highly-qualified Turkish conference interpreters facilitate communication at important conferences, events, meetings, and phone calls. Turkish court interpreters also deliver simultaneous interpreting services for court proceedings.

Turkish translation

As Syria’s civil war continues, Turkish interpreters deliver simultaneous interpreting services between Russian, Turkish, and English. Turkish conference interpreters enhance the communication of Russian and Turkish diplomats brokering a ceasefire in Syria. Turkish translators perform translation services for Turkish, Russian, and European delegations. They must maintain invisibility and professionalism as they translate the extremes of inflammatory statements and remarks that de-escalate conflict. These include Turkish to English translation of legal documents, policy papers, and agreements.
Of course, Turkish translators and interpreters know that these events do not tell the full story about the Turkish people, language, and culture. Turkish, German, and Russian interpreters and translators are all human, too. Occasionally, they need a break from the intensity of the interpreting and translation profession. Just for a moment, pause the worry and look beyond political conflict and turmoil in Turkey. In their hands, Turkish speakers hold the keys to a unique language and culture of hospitality and spirituality. Tapping into this rich language and culture brings temporary relief.

Turkish documentary Kedi

Anyone who has lived in Istanbul, Turkey, has warm memories of Turkish hospitality, spirituality, and love of animals. The Turkish interpreters and translators at our translation company in Washington, DC, all enjoy the unique Turkish energy and warmth in Istanbul. Well, now we can return to Istanbul through our imagination. The documentary Kedi, which means “cat” in Turkish, is a Turkish film with English subtitles that introduces street cats as an integral part of Turkish culture and city life in Istanbul. Director Ceyda Torun writes, “This film is, in many ways, a love letter to those cats and the city, both of which are changing in ways that are unpredictable.” US President Barack Obama visited the famous cat at the Hagia Sophia when touring Istanbul. Just like Obama, the best interpreters and translators need a break from routine every once in awhile.
Kedi ponders about our relationships to animals and each other. The documentary follows the story of 7 cats and the people who care for them in Istanbul, Turkey. The trailer introduces the cats as:

  1. Sar?, which means “yellow” in Turkish
  2. Bengü, which means “eternal” in Turkish and is a common name
  3. Psikopat, which means “psycho” in Turkish
  4. Deniz, which means “sea” in Turkish
  5. Aslan Parças?, which means “lion parts” in Turkish
  6. Duman, which means “smoke” in Turkish
  7. Gams?z, which means “carefree” in Turkish

These cats rescue the residents of the ancient and beautiful city of Istanbul from political news. People project human qualities like spirituality on the animals. “It is said cats are aware of God’s existence,” says a Turkish speaker with great spirituality and reverence. “While dogs think people are God, cats don’t.” Islam and Muslim cultures teach a great love of the spirituality of cats. According to a popular folktale, the Islamic Prophet Muhammad had a favorite cat named Muezza. When he discovered his cat sleeping on his robe, he cut off the sleeve of his robe rather than wake his cat. Turkish interpreters and translators know this story quite well.
The people who care for the cats show the warmth of Turkish culture and hospitality. This makes Istanbul feel less like political chaos and more like a community neighborhood. Istanbul’s rapid modernization brings the destruction of communities and nature. For example, the construction of the Third Airport calls for the destruction of the forests and wetlands north of Istanbul on the Black Sea. The documentary hits a somber note about how much anxiety and stress from the chaos and crowds that the city’s residents encounter. The cats, one Turkish person says, can “rekindle our own slowly dying love of life.” The documentary anthropomorphizes cats as therapists for human worries about chaos, uncertainty, and instability.
The purring of cats can melt away a Turkish conference interpreter’s full day of Turkish simultaneous interpreting in a full translation booth. The soft fur of cats can comfort a Turkish translator who has been translating English to Turkish legal documents all day. Cats may give us that perspective on the importance of connection to animals and each other. That’s why Turkish interpreters and translators need cats, too.
Our translation company delivers Turkish to English interpreting and translation services to enhance communication and strengthen relationships in Washington, DC, and NYC.

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