Capital Linguists is a Leader in Hebrew Interpreting and Translation Services

Estimates suggest that about nine million people speak Hebrew. An Afro-Asiatic language, its level of difficulty is on par with Somali, Neo-Aramaic, and Hausa. Modern Hebrew is also a language of business. More and more companies recognize the importance of enlisting the assistance of Hebrew interpreter services.

Recognizing the Business Opportunities Israel Provides

The Economist reveals that Israel has a firm grip on cyber-security business dealings. Worldwide, it commands about 15 percent of venture-capital investment in this niche. Other Israeli technologies that are in international demand include desert farming, water conservation, and healthcare.
For the business that actively invests in high-tech fields or seeks to cement its position as a thought leader in this niche, having interpreter companies and translation agencies that specialize in the language pair of Hebrew and English is vital. Although Israel is in a precarious political power struggle with neighboring countries, its high GDP per person proves that the wars in neighboring regions are not affecting its economy and businesses’ investments.

How Translation and Interpreting Agencies Benefit Technology Companies and Those in Other Consumer Goods Sectors

  • There are plenty of ways for Israeli business contacts to interact with American firms and vice versa. While the majority of corporate professionals speak, read, and write English, understanding the nuances of Hebrew puts their American counterparts in the driver’s seat during side commentary or supposedly private interactions. Here is how interpreter services can help.
  • Hebrew conference interpreting. A specialist in the language pair attends any meetings that the company schedules. The Hebrew interpreter conveys not just the words but also the tone and underlying emphasis behind the words. These conferences are typically the precursors to contract negotiations and high-level meetings.
  • Skype interpreting. As an outcropping of over-the-phone-interpreting, Skype interpreting provides an additional means of establishing a good rapport between the parties. Unobtrusive interpreter services facilitate communication. In some cases, Skype allows company representatives to handle negotiations with the home office while in the field.
    Consecutive interpreting. With the help of a skilled interpreting services providers who specialize in the fields of technology, medicine, or whatever the business needs, it is possible to conduct in-person meetings. Doing so can prevent an American company from making an investment mistake. Conversely, it may put a business in the lead for a profitable partnership with a new start-up.

Working with a Hebrew Translator Protects Corporate Interests

Interpreting AgenciesThe other side of good-quality interpreter services involves Hebrew translation. Document analysis, drafting, editing, proofreading, and printing enable businesses to speak the language of their counterparts. Frequently, this ability puts a company ahead if there is a contentious bidding war for a particularly profitable investment opportunity that could greatly benefit an American technology firm.
At the same time, the assistance of a translator ensures that the American enterprise understands the nuances of a contract or investment proposal. Frequently, this level of perception provides insights into the likely future profitability of the business relationship. Due to the importance that the written word holds, it pays to work with certified translators.

What Capital Linguists Brings to the Table

It is not enough to hire a freelancer for providing translator and interpreter services. Instead, a company that seeks to forge new business relationships needs to make the connections with confidence. This assurance comes from knowing that representatives of the firm gain an accurate understanding of an Israeli counterpart’s intentions and capabilities. Hebrew interpretation and translation makes it possible.

Capital Linguists provides translation and interpreting services via individuals with professional certifications. Examples include certifications from the American Translators Association and National Association of Judiciary Interpreters & Translators. Interpreter services offered by the company focus on accuracy, nuanced work, and reliability. When a corporate meeting relies on an ability to “read” a potential business partner’s intention beyond words, only the services of highly experienced interpreters make a difference.

Concurrently, there is a level of flexibility that makes Capital Linguists a valuable ally in business negotiations, training sessions, and impromptu conferences. The company offers interpreter services alongside translator services. Doing so ensures that a firm has on-the-spot access to an accurate translator who specializes in Hebrew. When negotiations suddenly escalate and result in serious contract talks, it makes sense to have this level of expertise at a corporate representative’s side.

When only the best will do, Capital Linguists is the option for firms in the know.

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